Attitude of Gratitude

Posted by Sharon Jessop – the thoughts and ponderings in this post are my own!

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I’ve literally run to and through 28 big 5 game reserves to date.

I’ve had chats with the most incredible people, learnt so many lessons from so many – been interviewed on international podcasts and radio stations and have even been featured on television in both the UK and Australia!

I feel tremendously blessed for the life I’ve lived until now and cannot wait for my next chapter.

The one thing that truly stands out for me is when you are grateful, you are also happy. When you are happy you tend to create more happiness for yourself, your family and for those around you.

You cannot possibly enjoy the best of life when you are miserable, feel depressed and are angry with the world. By the same token, you cannot help but spread sunshine wherever you go when you are grateful, happy and feel blessed.

Now here’s the thing folks! Gratitude is a CHOICE. Happiness is a CHOICE. Anger is a CHOICE. 

YOU choose whether you are a victim or victorious in life. Everyday I wake up and I choose gratitude, happiness, joy, great health, wealth, abundance and prosperity. 

Your life is a mirror of what you are thinking and feeling, so if you find yourself constantly overwhelmed, unhappy, broke, miserable – it is simply because those are the thoughts and feelings you entertain!

If you want more happiness, good health and wealth – you need to think and FEEL all of that. It is not easy, I know. But it is a conscious choice.

Decide today that you are grateful for the amazing things, people, health, wealth and abundance in your life – even if you don’t have it yet, and feel happy, excited and grateful as if you already have it. Then sit back and watch your life transform.

But it starts with an Attitude of Gratitude!

Written by Sharon

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